The Mariappan Lab
Mariappan Lab is always interested in working with motivated graduate students, undergraduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and visiting fellows. Yale BBS students are welcome to rotate in the lab. Please email me ( or come by the lab to discuss potential projects.
Office/Lab Address
Mariappan Lab
Department of Cell Biology
Yale School of Medicine
Nanobiology Institute
850 West Campus Drive, ISTC 219C
West Haven, CT 06516
Phone: 203-737-3854
Fax: 203-737-3212
The Green and Purple Yale Shuttle lines connect the Main Campus to the Yale West Campus. Refer to the DoubleMap app for live schedule updates
Shipping Address
Malaiyalam Mariappan
Yale West Campus Receiving
Nanobiology Institute
ISTC, Room 219C
300, Heffernan Drive
West Haven, CT 06516
Phone: 203-737-3854